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#49: The Sleep edition 😴 (Or power down to power up)

😴😴😴 #49: The Sleep Edition (or power down to power up) 🏋️🔋💡 | Flodesk

#49: The Sleep edition 😴
(Or power down to power up)

What if there was a wonder drug that helped improve the performance of your brain, immune function, learning and supported weight loss? That reduced your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity and cancer? And what if it was clinically proven, legal, free, and available to every body in the World? I’m sure you can see where this is going.


When you understand just how powerful sleep is – and consider that we all do it at least once every single day – it’s remarkable that so many of us don’t know and appreciate more about how sleep works and its myriad life-enhancing benefits.


So that’s what this week’s Power Up sets out to address.
From why sleep is the true elixir of life, to how to get more, better quality sleep, and even what’s going on when we dream, this week’s contents include:


//  Sleep is your Super Power 
//  Identify your sleep chronotype to boost your productivity

// 13 secrets to a better night’s sleep

//  Should you ‘hack’ your sleep pattern to achieve more?

//  How to lucid dream
// 30 tips to help you fall asleep faster

// Dreamwork 101: Your guide to interpreting dreams

Plus loads of bonus content too…

I hope this week’s Power Up leaves you more informed and inspired to get a good night’s rest, and that you begin to reap those benefits.  

Sleep tight… 


“Your future depends on your dreams. 

So go to sleep.” 


— Mesut Barazany 


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