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#19: Think like an Actor, Intermittent Fasting and 126 ways to be Extraordinary

Your weekly round-up of wisdom, habits, inspiration and practical solutions, including 126 ways to be Extraordinary
#19: Think like an Actor, Intermittent Fasting and 126 ways to be Extraordinary
Welcome to issue #19 of The Power Up, the curated email magazine from Man Body Spirit.

Every day I scour the Internet in search of wisdom, habits, inspiration and practical solutions to help improve the mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of our readers, curating the best bits together in this neat little package – and delivering them direct to your inbox. 

This week there’s another diverse collection of research, opinion and inspiration, covering everything from lessons we can apply from actors, to intermittent fasting and psychology.

I hope you find something interesting and relevant to you.

Think like an actor to excel at the moments that matter in life
From job interviews, to eulogies, best man speeches and business pitches, our lives are full of interpersonal interactions where we need to step up and be at our very best. 

But how do we find that extra gear to take the stage when it feels like the world is watching?

Speaking at TedX Cambridge, actors and speaking coaches Amy and Michael Port, laid out three basic acting principles we can apply to help us raise our game in those moments that really matter. 
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When best to do the easy tasks on your to-do list
Most of us enjoy the satisfaction of crossing things off of our to-do list—especially when there’s a lot going on in our life and work at the same time.

Taking care of quick tasks, such as answering email or sending invoices, at the beginning of the day can give us a great sense of accomplishment and progress. A few quick wins to boost our morning mood. But tackling the easy stuff first might actually harm our productivity in the long run, according to a new study.

Find out a better strategy in this piece from Fast Company.
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What’s the skinny on Intermittent Fasting?
There is a lot of buzz at the moment about intermittent fasting. 

A good friend and fitness coach recently recommended it, which prompted me to research and dabble myself.

On average, I probably fast for the recommended 16 hours, three or four days a week. Has it helped me ‘get shredded’? No. But that wasn’t really my expectation – as I’m not exactly eating like a saint the rest of the time.
Has it helped me gain greater mental clarity? On some days, Yes.  
Is it decreasing my chances of Type 2 Diabetes and regenerating damaged cells in my body?  
I can’t be sure. But hopefully! 

These are just some of the benefits people claim about Intermittent Fasting.  

I know the idea of fasting sounds unnecessarily challenging and depriving – but it’s actually not as hard as I thought it would be. I simply try to finish my dinner by 8pm in the evening, then all I need to do is skip breakfast the next day, and make it through to lunch at noon. (I find that drinking green tea and lots of water helps stave off the hunger pangs, until I’m into the flow of morning meetings, by which time there’s plenty to take my mind off being hungry). 

It’s even easier at weekends. If you sleep in a bit and then can occupy yourself with chores and errands until lunchtime.  

Intrigued by the benefits of ‘I.F.’ and want to learn more? This is a great intro from James Clear.
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The transformational power of how we talk about our life
How we reflect on and talk about the major events of our life has a profound impact on our personality, research claims. Could we become healthier, happier people simply by changing the way we tell our life story? 

As this article from the BBC lays out, when we tell our life stories people tend to emphasise either the negative or positive more, which says something about who we are.

Imagine for example, when you were 12 years old, your family moved to the other side of the country. In your new school, you were bullied for the first time.
When you reflect upon this period of your life today, do you see this as one of many episodes in which things were going great, and then turned sour?
Or do you see it as another example of a tough experience that you overcame for the better?
In studies these kind of alternative perspectives of the same events have been found to have a direct link to other measures of happiness and wellbeing.
Read on to find out more. 
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Bonus content
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
Tired of reactive days controlled by the demands of others, or distracted days with little to show for them?

As entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “Either you run the day or the day runs you.”

In this piece, writer Thomas Oppong lays out how successful people schedule their days strategically and maximise their time and energy for peak performance. 

“Instead of depending on your mood and your circumstances to get you through the day, choose to be proactive and make mood and circumstances respond to your work”, he says. 

Taking just a few minutes each morning to set your intention and get clear on your purpose can be the difference between bossing your day or being bossed by it.
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126 ways to be Extraordinary
Being extraordinary doesn’t just happen. Doing something amazing isn’t an accident. Living an extraordinary life doesn’t just come naturally.

It comes down to one really simple thought: If you don’t make time to pursue being extraordinary, then you’ll never experience true greatness. All you’ll ever know is mediocrity.

So we close this week’s issue with these 126 ideas from that can help us imbibe a little more extra-ordinary into our lives. Enjoy.
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“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”

Marcus Aurelius
Thanks for reading, I hope you found some great value within this week’s edition. If so, please pass on a recommendation to your friends. If not, then please give me feedback on what more you would like to see. See you next time, Adam.
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